Wildcat Run
Sampling sites (A, B & C) (not sampled in 2021)
Wooded area South of Liberty Park at approximately 40.189842, -83.083483.
The stream flows East out of Liberty park, and joins Reed Run near its outlet into the Olentangy River (<500 ft North of the Home Rd. bridge).
Wildcat Run can be easily accessed from Liberty Park in Liberty Township of Delaware County, Ohio. A series of gravel trails on the south side of the park follow some stretches of stream.
The Wildcat Run Restoration Project was completed in 2012, which ultimately returned the Liberty Park section of stream to its natural state, and implemented green storm water techniques. The stream restoration consisted of re-structuring the stream to a natural shape, and planting deep rooted native vegetation in the floodplain and surrounding areas. Rain gardens, pervious pavement, and a widened drainage swale from the pond were also added to the park. These improvements decrease the amount storm water into Wildcat Run, as well as lessen harmful sediment, phosphorus and nitrogen loads, which can be harmful to aquatic life. In addition to physical restoration, Liberty Township placed 25 acres of streamside woods in a permanent conservation easement to prevent further development near the stream's origin.
Liberty Township is located in Delaware County, Ohio and was founded in 1808. Delaware, Wyandotte, and Shawnee tribes likely inhabited Delaware County and surrounding areas. Today, the area is rapidly growing in population, and is home to four golf courses, the Columbus Zoo, Zoombezi Bay, and the Olentangy Caverns.
Liberty Township Park Stormwater Demonstration Project details
Info on Liberty Township website with links to before and after images
The Wildcat Run Project was studied by Ohio EPA (see report below)
FLOW newsletter articles on Liberty Park and Wildcat Run:
Spring 2012 (Liberty Park Tackles Restoration of Wildcat Run) | Fall 2010 (Liberty Township Park Restoration)

2011 Wildcat Run Stream Restoration and Storm Water Management Demonstration Phase 1 (from Ohio EPA Biological and Habitat Studies: 17 River and Stream Projects in Ohio, Feb. 24, 2012)

Wildcat Run monitoring data